02 Sep 2020

Sale of Real Estate and Early Redemption of a Bond Issue

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On 02.09.2020 ERG CAPITAL – 3 REIT (the Company) signed a final contract for the sale of real estate owned by the Company in Sofia. The sale price of the properties is 5,100,000 euros, excluding VAT. The price is paid on the basis of a contract under Art. 25a ZNND, between the Buyer, the Seller and a notary, to a special bank account provided by the notary, under conditions as the Parties have agreed with the notary.

Based on a proposal received from the servicing company and in connection with the sale, the Board of Directors of the Company has decided “ERG CAPITAL – 3” REIT to exercise its right to fully prepay the bond issue on 11.09.2020 with principal in the amount of EUR 1,156,000.00 and accrued interest in the amount of EUR 1,009,089.22 with ISIN code: BG2100002125. The early redemption shall happen on 11.09.2020 only if the sale proce is released from the special bank account of the notary on time. In connection with the planned early redemption, the Company notified BSE-Sofia AD to suspend trading in the bonds with the same ISIN code and stock exchange code: 5ERB.
